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Learn about the Ethical, Legal and Social issues pertaining to Virotherapy.


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In  1997 , a study done by a British surgeon suggested that vaccination causes autism. However, this has been discredited because autism occurs before the baby receives any vaccinations.

Infants cannot handle vaccines

Infants have a strong immune system, hypothetically they can handle around 10,000 vaccines at once.

Natural immunity is better

Contracting diseases naturally for instance, measles, results in 1 in 500 chance of death. As opposed to being vaccinated, there is less than 1 in a million chances of having an allegeric reaction to the vaccine.

Vaccines will infect the body with diseases that are trying to be prevented

Vaccines can cause mild symptoms; despite many believing they have been infected, the body's immune system is actually protecting the body against it. The symptoms the recipient is experiencing is the body's reaction to the vaccine not the disease itself.

Vaccines are not necessary because there are low infection rates

Though partially true, the minority that are not vaccinated will be protected from contracting the disease. This is crucial for people with a susceptible immune system and can not be vaccinated.  However, if many people choose not to vaccinate then that collectively adds to the potential danger.

Vaccines contain toxcins

The FDA and CDC control the amounts of formaldehyde so it is safe to be administered in the body; low levels of these chemicals have no harm to the body according  to scientific research.

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